New Hires and Energy with Transcendent Investments Management

Transcendent Investments Management, led by Jordan Kavana, is continually growing and finding new ways to build their company. Opening in 2008, they have built on their reputation to evolve and increase their investments dramatically.

As part of their growth, they have recently brought new energy and expertise into the company. Six months ago, Transcendent Investments Management hired a CFO who comes to them from the real estate fund industry. He also has public accounting and auditing backgrounds. As of October 15th, they hired a Director of National Residential Acquisitions.

Similarly, starting on November 1st, Transcendent Investments Management will have a Vice President of Operations and Finance. This new hire comes to TIM with Jordan Kavana from the corporate world. He has experience bridging government and private sector work and will certainly be an asset to TIM’s growth.