Experts Advise Caution as Housing Market Grows

With low mortgage rates and growing prices, the housing market is on the rise. Still, the U.S. economy has yet to truly stabilize, making it hard to guarantee the continuing growth of the real estate sector. Some experts are warning potential buyers to be aware of and prepare for potential shifts in the market.

Reuters discusses several key points made by Stan Humphries of


Asia’s Economic Growth: Spotlight on India

According to a recent poll from Reuters, it appears that economic growth in India has witnessed an escalation in the first quarter of 2013. This is particularly good news for the Asian region given that it has encountered quite a substantial low in the last quarter of 2012.  This report indicates that India could be on the upswing, moving away from its downward spiral.

However, there is still much work to be done vis-à-vis strengthening India’s economy.  Indeed, according to economist Kruti Shah, this recent statistic is “only a marginal improvement with much of the support from a slight recovery in the manufacturing sector and better trade data in this quarter compared to the previous quarter.”   However, given that there has been somewhat of a recovery in the country’s exports, factories and investments, this had a positive, noteworthy impact on the performance of the overall economy. There was a slight increase in capital goods output as well as exports which saw an escalation from levels during the same time period as 2012.

Economists and financial predictors must still be aware of India’s current account deficit that witnessed an all-time high in the last quarter of 2012 and still today remains under substantial pressure. But simultaneously, inflation dropped below 5 percent in April 2013, which puts it in the Central Bank’s comfort zone for the first time in over three years.

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